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Munchkin Cat: Why To Be Special?

Munchkin Cat: Why To Be Special?

Ever wonder what a munchkin cat is? And why are cats so cute? The answer is Munchkins are cat breeds with shorter legs​, also known as little or tinny cats. Of course, these small cats have other names, like cutest munchkin cats, cats with short ears, etc. These cats are small because of Natural genetic…

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Top 10 Orange And White Cat Breeds

Top 10 Orange And White Cat Breeds

Orange and white cat breeds are not special breeds with specific properties. They are just recognizable due to their coat color. Many breeds can be categorized under these colors. The production of the orange-white color pattern is the presence of Specific genetics in them. Such colors appear if their body produces the O-gene. Similarly, the…

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What To Feed Stray Cats?

What To Feed Stray Cats?

Stray cats are those kinds of cats that do not have any owner. These kind of cats live their life in the streets independently. You can see stray cats very commonly in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Some big problems are part of these cats. The biggest problem is what to feed stray cats….

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