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What Is Cat Napping? Tips To Improve Cat Sleep

What Is Cat Napping? Tips To Improve Cat Sleep

Usually, cats sleep for a very short interval of time. Having sleep for a short time is known as napping. And cats are experts in that. One thing to focus on is that even after taking a nap, cats actively respond to any threat or danger. The time interval of their sleep lies between 10 minutes to 50 minutes. They can also spend the whole day actively by taking short naps. Unlike humans, they don’t have a habit of sleeping for hours. Let’s Dive into cat napping positions and tips to improve cats’ health by giving them a perfect spot to nap.

5 Cat Positions While Napping

There are various positions in which cats are usually seen while having a Power nap. Each position has its own meaning which shows us the comfortability of the feline. The article will explain the cat snooze positions and details.

1. Curled up

It is clear by the name, that cats fold heads in and make tails spread around the body. While sleeping, felines just have the look of a circular pillow. In this sleeping style, Cats Look so Cute. When you get the chance to look at your cat taking a nap, means that she is in comfort. The important thing to mention is that they are still a little bit alert for any danger even during the nap. You can say that they are half asleep and half awake.

What Is Cat Napping? Tips To Improve Cat Sleep

2. Loaf Positioning

Isn’t it strange to sound like the cat is like a loaf? A cat puts their claw beneath its body and sits in this style while taking its head up. This style makes the cat look just like a loaf of bread. Felines are often seen while sitting in that style. The reason is that they are just relaxing the body in this pose but they are not in a deep sleep. They are still more active than the sleep. During the relaxed position, they can attack and protect them instantly when they feel any kind of danger near them.

3. Tail Hug positioning

What comes first to your mind when you see your cat hugging its own tail? The science behind this is that by doing this cat helps itself conserve its body heat. This is also a sign of protectiveness. Just like the way, babies hug the blanket to get comfort or heat. Similarly, the cat does the same thing. But don’t forget that Feline is still active for instant response. So don’t disturb her in her comfort zone. Otherwise, she can attack you to protect herself by considering you the danger.

4. Superman Positioning

Why are you shocked after seeing the word Superman?  The most cute position I have ever seen is Superman’s position. This extract that the cat is chilling and enjoying its sleep. The relaxed and cool environment made him do this position. In this style, the cat just lays over its belli and fully opens its legs in a straight direction. It also shows that the cat is covering its area to show its property so that no one can sleep over its area.

5. Belly up

Unlike the Superman position, cats put their backside flat on the surface or ground. And took the belli in an upward direction towards the sky. They just stretched their legs as babies usually do while sleeping. The stretching of their legs just gave them the look of a star. When they feel safe in an environment, they let them in this position to tell that they feel secure and relaxed.  They just take a small nap in this position to relax their bodies and to play actively all day.

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Tips to Help Your Cat Napping Better

As we discuss above about the cat-napping positions. So it is also very important to give the environment to have a relaxed nap.

1. Quiet Place

Cats can have a nap when they find the place without any noise. Noise can disturb the cat during napping which can make the cat unrelaxed and tired. So for their comfort, find a place full of silence.

What Is Cat Napping? Tips To Improve Cat Sleep

2. Dark place

Just like the need for silence, felines also need some darkness for better napping. When they found lights and the absence of something around them then they did not get a good sleep or nap. So make sure about the silent and dark mode for their comfort nap.

3. Alarm Setting

To give short napping, put an alarm near the cat so that after getting the required napping, the cat gets awake. Napping or sleeping for a long time is not good for a cat because it can get attack by dogs or other animal during this. So, take your cat out of nap after the required time.


Cat napping helps the cat to wake up for a long time after having a small sleep. That’s why cats’ active level is more than that of other pets. So for those who are addicted to playing with cats, is the best option to choose a cat as a pet so that they can play with them whenever they want because small napping is the only need for cats to get fresh and active.

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