Cat Breed Test: An Easy Way To Know About Your Cat Ancestry
A cat breed test is nothing more than a DNA test. When a DNA test is performed on a cat, it tells us about the breed to which it belongs. You can also say it is the Cat’s DNA test.
- This test can detect the legacy of the feline.
- This test helps to know which genomic a specific cat belongs to. It shows that all the breeds have the similarity in genomics.
Benefits of Cat Breed Test
DNA testing of cat breeds is beneficial as it tells you about a cat’s health. After learning about your cat’s health, you can quickly take action according to its health.
Here are a few benefits of cat breed testing.
1. Health Condition
After doing the DNA tests, you come to know whether your cat is having any health issues or not. This will allow to keep you up to date with your cat. Furthermore, you can treat him according to his health condition. You can provide them with better care in this case.
2. Heritage Knowledge
One of the biggest and most important purposes of the cat breed test is to get knowledge about the feline ancestors. From where these cats belong or what kind of genetic behaviors they are showing. DNA is the molecule that contains all the information related to our genes. So when doing DNA tests we get the genetic knowledge of the specific breed.
3. Breeding Information
Let’s suppose you let your cat to the veteran and he has done a cat DNA test and tells you that your cat has genetic careers. This means your cat can give birth to a kitten in the future. DNA test helps you to let you know about this. This helps owners know about the accurate time if they can keep doing Cat breed tests on random days.

The Most Common Types of Cat Breed Test
Several tests are performed in the cat’s DNA testing. A brief note is given on a few ones.
MyHeritage DNA Test: In this test, the swab of a cat is collected and sent to the company by any source so that they can get the results and compare it with the other MyHeritage breeds to get the required information. You can also send the report of the swag to the company by mail.
DNA Test Kits: There are some kits available in the market that are used to do some DNA tests so that they can get the knowledge of breed for different purposes.
Cat genetic DNA tests: These tests are performed to obtain information related to genetics. That helps to understand the expected belonging of a cat to some breed. but the bad point is that it does not tell us about the exact breed of feline.
Oral Health tests: In this kind of testing, the breed is examined for its dental issues. after performing this test, the veteran comes to know about the issue related to health.
PKD Testing: This test belongs to the diseases of the kidney. Its pronunciation is polycystic kidney disease. This deceases is a kind of deceases that belongs to the ancestors and continues to future generations.
ORIVET Cat DNA Health Screen: any kind of health issue can be checked by the test which is named as Orivet cat DNA health screen test. After this test, you did know about all the health conditions of the cat.
Can Cat Breed Tests Be Performed Online?
Some people first like to check if the test for cat breeds is available online. There are many online tests exist as BasePaws, Orivet, and Optimal Selection by Wisdom Panel. You don’t have to waste time and money you can save time and perform cat DNA tests easily.
Best Cat DNA test and Prices:
Here are some of the top-ranking best Cat tests.
1. Basepaws Cat DNA Test
Basepaws cat test costs around 89 dollars. It is ranked No.1 among all DNA tests. It tells us about a cat’s characteristics, species, and genetic markups. This is a comprehensive test that examines 21 breeds of cats and four territories. It scans for 64 genetic markers and 50 trait markers.
2. Wisdom Panel™ Complete for Cats
This test cost around 90 pounds. It is a test for
- 70 Cat breeds
- 70 populations
- 45 genetic health conditions.
- 25 physical characteristics
- Multi-generational cat family tree.
- Examines cat blood group type.
3. LABO Genetics XXL Cat
It is a comprehensive feline bundle that costs about 108 pounds which also includes VAT. It is a test for
- Various DNA tests for different cat breeds.
- It also requires a sample from felines.
- The results take around 3 to 5 weeks.
4. Wisdom Panel Complete Cat DNA Test via Pets at Home
This is a complete test. It costs about 80 pounds (114 $). This test provides.
- Complete cat breed report.
- Cat health insights.
- Cat blood type.
- Results in 2 to 3 weeks.
5. Basepaws Cat DNA Test via Amazon UK
It costs 130 pounds. It offers
- Complete breed and health analysis.
- 144 cat traits.

Considerations Before Taking Tests
Some tests are geographically unavailable due to region restrictions. It also causes difficulties like shipping problems or cost issues. The processing time or results turnaround may vary from test to test. It can usually take about 2 to 7 weeks. Lastly, some test requires sample collection such as cheek swabs.
How can I tell my cat’s breed?
A cat’s eyes, hair color, nose, and other physical attributes allow people to identify their cat breed. These are less accurate and unreliable sources. If you want to know your cat’s breed you should take a breed DNA test. it will help you to identify your cat’s breed genetically. Also, it will let you know about their genetic markup, family tree, and genetic diseases.
How much does a cat breed cost?
A cat breed test’s cost depends upon the type of test. Some tests cost 80 dollars and some cost 110$. But the average breed test costs around 60 to 150$.
How do I find a cat mate?
You should ask reputable breeders, vets, and neighbors for a healthy male cat. And it will be very hard but will be worth your while.
Can vets check cat breed?
Vets can help you understand your cat better. They help you determine which breed your cat belongs to. They may take some genetic or physical tests to determine their physical and genetic markers.
To summarize all this it is very crucial to perform cat tests whether they are DNA or physical tests. These tests not only help you find out about your feline companion but also about their ancestors, physical traits, and personality. Furthermore, health screening helps to keep you up-to-date about your feline health.