Scottish Straight Cat: Complete Breed Profile & Care Guide

Scottish Straight Cat: Complete Breed Profile & Care Guide

The Scottish Straight cat breed is so different from the family of Scottish fold cats. They are known for their gentle nature and fluffy appearance. Whenever a person looks at them and wonders why are cats so cute? There is not much difference between them and the Scottish fold Cat. The only difference is in the ears as these breeds have straight ears pointing toward the sky while the folded breed has the ears folded towards their face. Their appearance made them popular among people nowadays as they had adorable expressions and looks that could easily melt the heart.

History/ Origin

The word Scottish actually shows a resemblance to Scotland. So, in actuality, this breed is from Scotland. These cats were discovered in 1961. The Scottish man William Ross found the Scottish straight cat with folded ears. He started breeding it and when this cat gave birth to multiple Scottish straight kittens then he found that some kittens had folded ears while some had straight ears. So, with time, these straight-ear cats get the proper recognition and find their place among the breeds.

Physical Traits

  • Temperament: They are not arrogant. Usually, you will see an affectionate attitude from them.
  • Appearance: Chubby-type body with a face that is circular in shape. Big eyes with little noses make them attractive. Having straight ears standing like a solder.
  • Color: Available in multiple colors including brown, black, or different solid hard or soft colors. Mix coloring can also be seen in them with beautiful patterns.
  • Personality: Innocent face with an intelligent mind. Loving and playing attributes. Attention seeker but not too much that can prove irritation. They are able to solve their problems by themselves.
  • Lifespan: More than 15 years with a healthy and fit body. Average felines can live 15 years.
  • Grooming: For the shorthair felines, there is only a need to clean them with the steel comb once a week. But for the longhair one, you must keep doing comb two to three times per week. This keeps them neat and clean.
  • Shedding: The shedding level is medium in them as they have probably long hairs. But cat shedding can be controlled a little bit with some care and grooming.
  • Basic Needs: Just like the other pets, these felines’ basic needs should be the topic of concern. This is how you can make your special bond with them. Along with the physical caring, there is a need to give them mental relaxation, keeping them away from stress and anxiety.
Scottish Straight Cat: Complete Breed Profile & Care Guide

Scottish Straight Cat Profile

Official NameScottish-Straight Cat
Common NameScottish-Straight Cat
Pet HeightAround Ten inches
Pet WeightAround 12 pounds (Average)
Lifespan13 to 15 years (Average)
Good WithKids, Family, Adults, Other pets
TemperamentAffectionate, Calmness, Gentle
Shedding AmountMedium
Energy LevelActive
Vocal LevelNot too much. Only at the time of need to express feeling.
Coat LengthShort
ColorsOrange / White / Black /  blue / silver / red / silver/chocolate/lilac/fawn

Scottish-Straight Cat Care

Diet and Nutrition Care

As the other pets or cats have specific nutrition needs. Similarly, this breed also has some specific needs. We should give them the nutrition according to them. Before giving them food, you just need to consult with the consultant about their diet. This could help you to treat your cat with the best nutrition. Don’t feed them over the amount of food that can cause stomach issues or various health problems. Keep maintaining the balance between food and health.

Grooming Needs

Keep them clean so that no environmental bacteria can affect them. Make your routine to keep them clean. Wash them on a weekly basis. Grooming not only consists of washing and cleaning but also keeping their coat clean as well as nails ears and teeth should also be cleaned. This is how your cat looks more caring and fresh.
living Environment

The place must be according to the cat. These cats loved to sleep in soft places. So, their bed must be soft and fuzzy so that they can take a sweet nap. The environment must be comfortable and full of toys so that they can play and keep themselves busy with different activities. Try to keep the area of living neat and clean.

Vattern Checkups

Keep noticing your cat and if find any unusual activity then let your cat to the vet. Make a routine of checkups weekly or monthly without any unusual activity in order to keep in touch with the health situations.

Scottish Straight Cat: Complete Breed Profile & Care Guide

What is the Price of a Scottish Straight Cat?

The cost depends on the age, health, and other elements of the Scottish Straight cat. The physical appearance really affects the price of the feline. If Scottish straight hair cat approximately costs from1000 dollars to 2500 dollars.

Pros and Cons

Affectionate attributeModerate shed
Loving behaviourNot hypoallergenic
Not over-demandingNot left alone for a long time
Good with othersLess available
Not DangerousOverfeeding risk
Calmful behaviour
Less aggression


The article is actually about the breed of Scottish cat having straight ears standing up. This breed does not have much difference from the folded Scottish breed. They are not 1st recognizable with the specific breed but as time passes, they get their appearance in the list of breeds.

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