What Are Hypoallergenic Cats? How to Manage Cat Allergies

What Are Hypoallergenic Cats? How to Manage Cat Allergies

Hypoallergenic Cats are those cats that can cause less or no allergy. Saliva is the main source of allergy. But in actuality, no such cat exists that is not allergenic. All cats are allergenic but the difference is that some cats produce less saliva and some produce more saliva. Those cats which produce less saliva are hypoallergenic. The article is based on Hypoallergenic Cats in which we will discuss how cats can cause allergies and what factors make the cats allergenic.

What Are Hypoallergenic Cats?

Allergy is produced by a protein in cats’ saliva. If more protein is produced in a cat’s saliva then the cat is more allergic but if less protein is produced it means it is less allergic. So this is what is called hypoallergenic. People suffering from allergies choose cats based on how much protein they produce. By Cat Shedding, allergy can spread all over the house.

What Are Hypoallergenic Cats? How to Manage Cat Allergies

What Cats Are Hypoallergenic?

There exist some cats that cause less or no allergies. Top of the list is the Sphynx cat which is hypoallergenic as it has no hair on its skin so it has fewer allergy proteins on its fur. They are the perfect cats for people who suffer from cat allergies.

After Sphynx, the other cat breed which is also an allergenic cat is Cornish Rex. Cornish Rex has less hair on its skin so when it sits on a furniture or carpet then less hair sticks to the carpet or furniture so it produces less allergy. Those people who are looking for a cat who has a coat pattern known as tabby should adore Cornish Rex. This kind of breed is perfect for such people.

The other cat which is the most liked breed of many people is the Russian Blue Cat. This cat is not hypo allergic but it produces very less allergy-provoking protein. This is the most suitable choice for the people. Not only because of its low production of protein but for the cuteness and affectionate nature of the Russian blue cat, people adored this cat with love.

If we want to know the name of the breed which lies near the hypoallergenic cats then no doubt Balinese Cats are perfect for this. The actual reason for their hypoallergenic behavior is that these felines produce very little saliva if we compare them with the other cats. As we know, saliva produces protein which is known as Fel d1 protein. This protein is present in saliva and also in urine and skin. Due to less production of this protein, these felines are the most hypoallergenic cats.

What Are Hypoallergenic Cats? How to Manage Cat Allergies

As we have recently discussed the allergenic behavior of Balinese cats, the Siberian Cats are also like them. They are also popular and become a good choice for people one of the reasons is that they produce fewer amounts of protein-containing allergies. Except for their allergenic properties, these felines are also popular for other reasons like their nature and treats.

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How Can We Manage Allergic Reactions In Cats?

We can reduce Allergic reactions in cats in the following ways.

One of the best ways to reduce this is that we should groom our cats daily. By doing this cats will spread less allergenic hairs around the house.

It is necessary to clean the house daily along with the cats. When cats play or run their fur or their hair falls on furniture or carpet. We should clean the furniture and carpet daily so that we keep ourselves safe from allergies.

Some important products are available in the market to control the allergenic behavior of cats. Some injections are available for the cats which control the allergic protein FEL D1. So after getting your pet, must remember to get them to veteran and give them the required injection or dose which helps your cat to become allergy-free.


If you are a true pet lover and claim to be a well-known person about pets. Then you must have that knowledge that no cat is hypoallergenic. The only thing that is acceptable about this talk is that cats are categorized as less hypoallergenic or highly hypoallergenic.

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