What Should You Do When Your Cat Vomit? Cat Vomit Color Chart

What Should You Do When Your Cat Vomit? Cat Vomit Color Chart

Just like humans and other animals, vomiting also happens in felines. If we did not look deeply, vomiting is not a serious human issue. But if we look deeply then we come to know how dangerous this vomiting is. When a cat vomits, the owner of the cat needs to understand the appearance and texture of the vomit. Which directly helps the veteran understand the reason for vomiting.

Due to different causes, vomiting color has different variations which reflect why cats are vomiting. And by understanding the color, how we can protect them from vomiting in the future. In this article, we will tell you what your cat vomits what vomit color means and what should you do.

Cat Vomit Color Chart

As it is mentioned above the color of vomiting has a different texture and appearance with different colors. The chart is given below in various colors.

1. Vomit Having Hair Ball

Cats have a special habit of licking their fur when they feel relaxed and comfortable. This habit is very common among cats. But can this become a reason for vomit? Yes, it can become a reason. When a cat licks itself then it could happen that the hair on their fur can be removed from their coat and attached with the tongue. And unfortunately swallowed by the cat.

When they continue licking gather a lot of hair inside their stomach then the act throws out this bunch of hairs out of their stomach. This bunch of hairs went out of their stomach in the shape of a hairball with the liquid of color white/yellow. There is no need to be concerned about it. But in case your cat vomits a hairball more than one time in a short duration then you need to let your cat to the veteran.

2. Clear Liquid Vomit

Vomit with a clear white liquid is the symptom of an empty stomach. Normally, this kind of vomit happens due to the presence of parasites inside the stomach. Parasites harm or damage the cat’s stomach resulting in the form of vomit. The vomit appearance is in a clear white liquid in which you can easily see the parasites present in the vomit. When you find that your pet is facing a parasite attack inside the stomach then instantly move to your veteran doctor and tell him all the happenings.

Read: Is Your Cat Shedding A Lot? Symptoms to Watch For

3. White Foam Liquid Vomit

Having the vomit in the white foam is also a symbol of an empty stomach. In this case, simply means that your cat is empty. When your cat feels hungry, its saliva mixes with the stomach acid and throws out the white form kind liquid. The liquid is thick. This is not only the reason for this color vomit. But there might be also some other reasons that can happen as a result of vomit. For example, in the days of summer, cats usually feel thirsty a lot and drink water in an excessive quantity. Due to the excessiveness of water in their stomach, they can vomit.

What Should You Do When Your Cat Vomit? Cat Vomit Color Chart

4. Yellow Liquid Vomit

When does yellow liquid vomit happen? This happens usually on an empty stomach when a cat smells such a bad thing. By smelling such disgusting things, the cat feels uncomfortable and they spread out their bile in the form of vomit which is yellow. What is the principle of bile? Bile, actually, is the kind of acid that is produced by the liver.

After producing by the liver, the bile gets stored in the gallbladders. When cats eat something having fats inside it, then bile reacts with these fats and breaks them out into fatty acids to help the digestion system. This form of vomiting is also very common among cats.

5. Green Liquid Vomit

Everything is not suitable for everyone. We are wrong that we can give anything to our pet to feed. Cats can eat green food like vegetables and plants. But everything is not suitable for cats. Some green foods are very dangerous for cats’ health.

When they eat these green foods, their stomach feels unhealthy and this becomes a cause of vomiting. This vomiting comes out of the mouth in the color of green which is rare for pet owners. So, get your pet to the doctor’s clinic so that the doctor can wash his stomach and give him proper medicine to make him healthy just like before.

Read: Why Do Cats Purr When You Pet Them?

6. Red/Blood Vomit

The red color is a sign of danger so when some see red, they get alert. So, it is obvious that when the owner sees a red color coming out of the cat’s mouth then he gets terrified for his pet. Red color means blood coming out of a cat’s mouth in the form of vomit.

Why does this happen? This happens when the cat moves around to the house, puts something sharp in their mouth, and swallows it. By doing this sharp things or toys create irritation in their stomach or may create wounds inside the stomach. Then the cat throws out liquid containing blood inside it. This is known as blood vomit.

7. Brown Coffee Shade Vomit

When blood coming from the upper alimentary tract is partially digested, then this partially digested blood comes out of the feline mouth as a vomit. This condition is not normal So, when you find your cat doing this then immediately consult with your doctor and make everything clear in front of him about your cat’s condition.

Understanding Vomiting in Fluffy Cats

Cats such as Persian, munchkin, and tabby require constant grooming due to their fur and shedding. Cats are not only groomed by humans but also like to groom themselves by licking their fur to remove dirt. During grooming, their stomachs could get upset, and they may vomit. There are a few reasons that can cause a cat to vomit.

  • Hairball: Due to frequent cat grooming, cats ingest hair. Since the hairs are undigestible, the undigested hairs do not pass and are expelled from the cat’s body in the form of hairballs. This is very common in Persian cats since they groom themselves very often.
  • Dietary Issues: Vomiting in cats can also be triggered by a sudden change in diet. Overeating or undereating may cause stomach issues. Also, stop your feline from eating scrapes or junk food. 
  • Food Allergies: Some kitties are allergic to specific foods or ingredients used in food. It can disturb their stomachs and cause foamy white vomit. Grains may cause allergies to kittens. 
  • Parasites: Ingesting worms or some other type of crape can cause the cat’s body to undergo anti-peristalsis. Ropes, strings, and wrapper pieces in cats usually block their digestive system and cause vomiting.

Immediate Steps to Take When Your Fluffy Cat Vomits

If your feline is vomiting suddenly then instead of panicking assess the situation and wait until the situation is under control. Here are a few tips to assess the situation. 

  • Check the Vomit: Look for signs like hair clumps, undigested food, or abnormal content like blood.
  • Remove Food Temporarily: Give their stomach time to settle by withholding food for 12–24 hours, but always provide fresh water.
  • Monitor Symptoms: Observe your cat closely for changes in behavior, like lethargy, diarrhea, or decreased appetite. These might signal something more serious.

The above tips will help you if you need to see the vet or not.

What Should You Do When Your Cat Vomit? Cat Vomit Color Chart

When to Consult a Veterinarian

Fluffy cats occasionally vomit hairballs due to minor dietary issues, but there are times when professional help is essential:

  • If the vomiting lasts for more than 24 Hours then it is not normal you should see a vet.
  • It’s time to visit a veterinarian if your cat stops eating and drinking, develops diarrhea, or vomits blood.
  • Get aid right away if you think your cat may have ingested something other than food, such as thread.

Veterinarians can perform tests to determine the underlying reason and administer remedies.

Preventative Measures for Fluffy Cats

Preventing vomiting, especially for fluffy breeds, involves proactive care:

  • Regular Grooming: Don’t forget to groom your cat daily. Use a cat hair brush to remove extra fallen hairs so your cat doesn’t ingest them. This routine can prevent hairball formation.
  • Hairball-Control Diets: A hairball-control diet can help your cat move undigested hairs through the digestive tract.
  • Hairball Remedies: Hairball prevention products include gels and snacks. These products usually lubricate the digestive system.
  • Enrich Their Environment: Stress can make vomiting worse. Provide toys, secure areas, and a regular schedule to keep them comfortable.

Nutritional Advice for Cats Who Are Prone To Vomiting

Your fluffy cat’s diet plays a crucial role in their overall health.

  • Provide High-Quality Food: Instead of using cheap low-quality food offered by local brands use premium, balanced cat food to ensure their proper nutrition and digestion.
  • Hairball Control Formulas: Particular fibers in these meals assist move ingested hair through the digestive system rather than building up in the stomach.
  • Allergen-Free Options: If food allergies are suspected, speak with a veterinarian to find hypoallergenic food alternatives that work for your cat.

Tips To Keep Your Feline Healthy

Keep Your Feline Hydrated

Proper hydration helps prevent digestive issues and keeps your cat healthy:

  • Encourage Drinking Water: Make sure your fluffy cat always has access to clean water, as cats are susceptible to kidney problems.
  • Add Wet Food: Including wet food in your cat’s diet helps them consume more moisture, which helps them digest food and avoid dehydration.

Regular Veterinary Check-Ups

Regular vet visits are critical for your cat’s overall health:

  • Regular Examinations: These help your veterinarian identify any gastrointestinal or other health problems early on.
  • Preventive Care: For indoor-outdoor cats or cats with high grooming habits, vaccinations and parasite prevention are particularly crucial.

Environmental Factors

Stress or environmental changes can cause vomiting in sensitive cats:

  • Reduce Stress: Steer clear of abrupt changes in your living space. Give your cat a place to be secure and quiet.
  • Make Your House Cat-Proof: To prevent accidental consumption, keep tiny items, hazardous plants, and human food out of reach.

How To Treat All Types of Cat Vomit:


  • Vomiting happens due to the presence of a digestive juice produced by the liver.
  • It can also happen when the cat is kept hungry for longer than usual. Bile hurts the stomach leading to vomiting.
  • It happens when a cat grooms itself by licking and during that process, Cats ingest hairs which causes hairball vomiting.
  • When cats are stressed due to less feeding.
  • Ingesting green grass and foods.
  • Reflux gastritis pancreatitis, esophagitis etc.


  • Feed your cat a small amount of food every 5 to 6 hours.
  • Give your cat a small amount of probiotics with some water or maybe a small amount of healthy food to maintain it if there is no repeated vomiting. Observe the situation.
  • You should fast your cat for at least six to eight hours. If the vomiting stops, you can offer food and water. Replace shading toys and bedding with hairball remedies.


Although it’s common for fluffy cats to throw up sometimes, particularly when they have hairballs, it’s important to recognize their particular requirements and respond promptly to any worrying episodes. A proper diet, regular veterinary checkups, and proactive grooming will keep your fluffy friend happy and healthy.

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