What To Feed Stray Cats?

What To Feed Stray Cats?

Stray cats are those kinds of cats that do not have any owner. These kind of cats live their life in the streets independently. You can see stray cats very commonly in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Some big problems are part of these cats. The biggest problem is what to feed stray cats. So, in this article, we will discuss this problem and try possible ways to overcome this problem.

Do Stray Cats Need Extra Nutritional Help?

Yes, stray cats need extra nutritional help. This is because they constantly struggle to find shelter and food. strays walk here and there very carefully to avoid predators’ eyes. During this period they burn a lot of energy and eat anything they find that might lack essential nutrients. Domestic cats eat regular meals unlike strays therefore are healthy. Feeding strays the right amount of food that has essential nutrients can make them healthy. Also if you are thinking about bringing a stray to your home then it is a very kind gesture.

Cat Food Vs Other Animal Food

When you come to nourish a feline, the 1st question arises: Did you know the appropriate meal for the feline? You should know the clear difference between the other animal’s food and cat food. Each animal has different nutrition or stomach conditions. Each food is not suitable for each animal. Some foods or meals are harmful for cats which are good for dogs or other animals. Before feeding make sure that this food is according to the cat’s stomach.

What To Feed Stray Cats?

Cat Food Vs Human Food

When someone does not find cat food to feed a cat, they give it human food. But this is not a good decision for the cat’s health. Cats are omnivores, so they love to eat meat. But humans eat cooked crispy meat and vegetables, which is not good for stray cats. So, avoid human food.

Types of Foods To Feed a Stray Cat?

Most people do not know what meal should they give to stray cats. This lack of knowledge creates big health problems. People try to do good but this could harm the stomach of cats. So, It is necessary to understand the nutrition conditions related to felines before feeding them.

Wet Foods

The problem with stray cats is that they lack both food and water. So, giving them only a meal is also not good. Give them water also so that they can complete their nutrition needs. Is wet food better for cats or dry food? The simple answer to this question is That Wet food is good. Why? This can complete the cat’s water and food requirements. In addition, wet food is also suitable for old-aged stray cats who have dental problems.


If we talk about the food that is mostly loveable by all the cats is the Tuna food. Tuna is every cat’s favorite food. The pleasant smell of the tuna food attracts the cats. The taste of tuna food is just yummy. This food contains almost all the nutrient ingredients that are required for a cat’s health. So tuna is considered the best food to feed stray cats.

Chicken & Beef

The top favorite food after the tuna is chicken which is also loved by the cats. The best way to provide them with chicken is to boil the chicken. In addition, you can add a bowl of boiled rice and one egg which is also boiled. This mixture makes the food of cats delicious. This also obtains all the necessary ingredients.

Boiled Potato

Is potato good for stray cats? If we provide the stray cats with the boiled potato then it is good for them. But I would prefer you to provide boiled rice with the potato instead of giving only potatoes. By doing this, cats can easily eat this otherwise they can reject the food. This contains necessary proteins and is not harmful to stray cats. Also by the process of boiling, the food becomes wet and easily eatable for all age cats.

What To Feed Stray Cats?

Foods to Avoid Feeding a Stray Cat

Here are a few foods to avoid feeding a stray feline.

  • Some cats are lactose intolerant so feeding them dairy and milk can cause digestive issues. Although the majority of strays have strong immune systems it could still cause diarrhea. 
  • Raw meat affection vitamin B. So, avoid giving them raw fish or meat.
  • Avoid feeding dogs which will disturb them instead of providing nutrients.
  • Do not feed spices to cats or foods containing spices this can destroy their red blood cell and can cause other health issues.
  • Feeding chocolate can be fatal to their health.

Tips For Feeding Stray Cats Safely

  • Choose a safe and clean spot to feed them. Build some kind of feeding structure and feed them where they can find themselves safe.
  • Stick to the same feeding routine. Cats learn easily and usually stick around if they find food from a place. So, follow the same feeding schedule to let them know it is a permanent spot.
  • Provide fresh water every time feed them even if it is not meal time they like to stick around to get hydrated.
  • Regularly clean the feeding spot.


What health problems can stray cats face after feeding improper food?

After feeding improper food, Digestive problems can be the main health issue that these cats can face. Also, they can face problems like dental issues and obesity. After feeding such food stray cats will feel dull and un-active due to the disturbance in their stomach.

Is homemade food good for stray cats or not?

It is not confirmed whether it will prove good for stray cats or not. It depends on the nutrients in the homemade food. If it matches the need for nutrients then it will be good for stray cats otherwise it will not.


To summarize all this, Whether it is a domestic cat or a stray cat they all need proper nutrition to stay healthy. So, keep in mind the above instructions to feed a stray cat. feeding a stray cat is not only a kind gesture but also a good way to earn their trust.

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