10 Amazing Facts About Why Do Cats Groom Each Other
Cat Grooming is a process in which grooms itself or grooms his companion with the help of its tongue. This process is not a part of their training but the tinny kittens learned this from their mothers during their growth. Grooming helps the felines to keep themselves clean from dust particles. This is the reason why cats do such activity. Lets Find out Why Do Cats Groom Each Other?
Usually, it is not a point at which we have to worry. It is their natural process.
Auto vs Allo-Grooming
Auto Grooming is where you will find your cat licking itself. This is the way cats keep themselves clean and neat. There is no need or very little need for the outside groomers to groom these cats. Because they can easily groom themselves by licking themselves. Auto grooming gives relief to the owner and reduces their responsibility of grooming the feline.
While, on the other hand, Allo-grooming is just opposite to Auto-grooming. If you have more than one cat. Then you sometimes find that your cats lick each other coat. The grooming process between two or more kittens is labeled under the allo grooming. Just like the needs of man, grooming has also become an essential need for cats. As it has a lot of advantages or purposes.
There are a lot of reasons behind each other’s grooming of cats. The article is based on the Allo-Grooming. The top 10 reasons behind the cats grooming each other are discussed below.
Reasons Why Do Cats Groom Each Other?
To Communicate
Grooming can also prove as a way of communication. Sometimes when you find that your cat is grooming with the other cat, then it simply means that your cat is showing its relationship with the other cat and trying to communicate with the other cat. Actually, they express their feelings or emotions to the other cat. This is the best way to show or express their love towards the other cat. You can also say that this is a kind of lovelanguage.

To Relief Stress
Cats can also face anxiety and they can also be depressed. If their stress level increases then they have only one solution to give relaxation to their mind. And that one solution is grooming their companion. This is the best way to make themselves fresh and stress-free. During licking their coat their saliva releases such elements that help the cats to relax.
To Bond
Felines are very social animals. When they make a strong bond with the other cat then they express their relationship or bonding by grooming each other. Also, they groom each other to show other felines or animals their relationship. This expressive nature made them adorable. This bonding makes the boundary for other cats to stay away from their closer family member.
Bonding in Non-Related Cats
The grooming process does not happen only in the same breeds of cats. But different cat breeds can also be groomed. Some people love to keep more than one breed. So when cats live with each other for some time then they start trusting each other. They established the trust among themselves by grooming each other. They make sure to each other that both are not a source of risk.
To Regulate Body Temperature
In the days of summer, felines usually get hot. Normally stray cats who are homeless will get hot in those days. So they have the best method to keep themselves cold. They lick their coat with their tongues containing saliva. Saliva keeps their body cool. This is how they groom each other’s bodies to regulate the temperature. They do this to others so that other cats will also do this in their favor.
Expressing Dominance
As, humans love to show their status in front of lower-status people. Similarly, cats also like to show their dominance level among their group. They groom the member of their group so that they can show their higher level to other cats. The boss of the group has the power to control the whole group and lead them according to their own.
Mothers And Kittens
Allo-grooming is the process that starts from the birth of the kitten. Mother lick their little ones to keep them clean as they are unable to do anything on their own. This is also the way of teaching to groom the cats. Mothers express their love to their kittens by licking their whole body. They also clean sexual parts of the body to keep them clean.

To Embrace
Normally when cats love the presence of other cat. Then they groom them to give them the signal that he accepts the other cat or kittens. Acceptance can be shown by grooming the feline.
Cleaning Assistance
Companions lick each other so that they can remove the dust particles from the body of their friend. Grooming has the other meaning of cleaning. So, when cats groom each other then it simply means that they are cleaning each other.
Dental or Mouth Issue
If felines have any kind of problem in their mouth or especially teeth. Then they find it relaxation to groom the other cat so that their tooth or mouth issue will get comfort. The irritation or allergy in their mouth will force them to groom the other cat.
This is concluded from the whole article that grooming is not a problematic thing but is a kind of natural process that is normal among cats. The major reasons are explained above in detail. Not only do cats lick themselves or each other but dogs also do licking for different purposes. In simple words, grooming each other is a way of expressing love and affection to the owner, to the other pets, and to the companions.