Persian Cat: Profile, Personality, Traits, And Care Tips
The breed of cat that has a fluffy face having small eyes is known as the Persian cat. Another thing to recognize about the Persian cat is that its skin has soft and long hair. It would not be wrong to say that this breed is at the top of the list in the community of felines. The reason behind their popularity is that they are the quietest breed of cats and it has a nature of friendly. No other can compete with the Persian cat in popularity. It has maintained its top position over the years. This cat becomes the leading choice for humans who love to have cats in their homes. In this article, we will discuss Persian cats and why they make great pets.
History Of Persian Cats
Why this breed of cat is named a Persian cat? The reason behind this name is that this breed originated from Persia which is the traditional name of Iran. The explorers and travelers who visited Persia brought these cats to Europe and started growing these cats. These cats attract humans very quickly and become close to their hearts. Their marketability became more prevalent in the Victorian era. Now this feline becomes a sign of a luxurious life. Those people who love to live a lavish life, keep this cat in their home.
Characteristics of Persian Cats?
Persian cats are characterized by two aspects. One is physical and the other is behavioral. Let’s discuss it one by one.
1. Physical Characteristics of a Cat
The physical appearance of each cat makes it unique among all the cats. Persian cat appearance also makes it the most unique feline among the other cats. If we talk about the face of this feline then it has very expressive and attractive eyes of different colors depending on the color of their skin or coat. The most important feature that makes it unique is its small face with a big head and large and effective eyes. The facial expression makes it just look like a doll which makes it more adorable. The second thing that makes it the most popular breed among all the cats is its extensive and pulpy hair.
Humans love such kinds of cats that have puppy hair so they can feel good after touching them and playing with them. It makes them more comfortable to get them in hand or to let them sit in their lap. The Persian cat is all covered in fur or hair which makes it more adorable. They exist in different colors and patterns of coat. This cat has a short tail but is covered with fur and looks cute.
2. Behavioral Characteristics Of a Cat
One of the reasons, humans keep this breed of cat at home is its silent nature. This cat is very polite and does not like to jump here and there. So the question asked is Are Persian cats friendly? Those people who prefer silence instead of sparkle choose the Persian cat as a pet for their home so that they can fulfill their wish of having a pet at home as well as silence. They are very affectionate animals. The cool and gentle nature make them the most suitable choice for lovers of the cat. These cats have a playful nature in a very moderate value and do not make you every time play but sit quietly in their place. These behavioral characteristics make this feline the most chosen among the other breeds of cat.

What is the Personality of a Persian Cat
Persian cats are very gentle and calm. they are very sensitive ton touch animals and usually love to cuddle with you and rub their pretty nose on yours. these fluffy companions are a part of every household due to their supportive nature. Check our complete article on Persian cat personality for complete details.
How Long Does a Persian Cat Live?
As per the history of Persian cats, the average lifetime for this breed is twelve and a half years (12.5) some cats can survive over ten years while some survive up to thirteen years. Their lifetime depends on the care of the owner and regular treatments.
The weight of a Persian female cat is about three to six kilograms which is less than the male Persian cat. The weight of a male Persian cat is calculated approximately about seven to twelve kilograms.
Advantages And Disadvantages of a Persian Feline
1. Pros of Keeping a Persian Feline
These felines have a cool and delicate nature. They are very quick to make a very strong and friendly bond with humans, especially children. Their physical features make a very beautiful appearance in front of people and easily attract the attention of others towards them. Different colors and varieties make them adorable among other breeds. The most positive point for this breed is that they do not have ruinous behavior as they have very low activity levels. As most of the pets do not accept the presence of other pets. But Persian cats tolerate the other pets and can easily adjust to the other pets with any quarrel.
2. Cons of Keeping a Persian Cat
As compared to other breeds, these cats are very sensitive and have to face different health problems. Due to the structure of their face, these cat’s eyes and noses are very sensitive and can face the problem of breathing. To save them from these problems, humans have to take care of them daily. In short, this breed needs full attention for its care otherwise they have faced some serious issues. They need regular grooming and bathing that can prevent them from various health issues. They have a low level of activity which causes the issue of weight gain. This overweight gain causes them fitness issues and makes their muscles weak as compared to those cats whose activity level is high.
Are Persian Cats Expensive?
As Persian cats are a sign of a luxurious life, it is as expensive as a luxurious life. Its price in different countries is different. If we talk about the UK, then it is approximately in between the range of one thousand dollars and fifteen hundred dollars. A healthy Persian feline can be bought for under 1200 dollars easily. It is only expensive Because of its unique look. Its care is as necessary as its high price.
Where To Adopt a Persian Feline?
You can easily find a Persian cat by contacting the nearest shop of cats. There are other places from where you can buy a Persian cat. These places include shelters or rescue organizations. These organizations find the homeless cats and give them the proper treatment and care so they grow properly in a healthy way. So you can easily find your favourite breed like a Persian cat by visiting the rescue institutions.
If you have a question in your mind about where to adopt your feline then there are different associations consisting of breeders who take the best care of a pet. These associations include CFA and TICA associations. These organizations take care of your pet in a better way as compared to other institutions.

Persian Cats Bred To Have Smooched Faces
The present-day Persian cats have much different facial features than the earlier Persian felines. The reason for this change is that many people from the United States of America and Europe started mating Persian cats with different classes of cats with tiny and moon faces so that they could obtain Persian cats with these features. And finally, after so many different breeds, they get a plane-muzzle Persian cat in the era of 19 century. So it is true that Persian cats were bred to have smooched faces.
How to Take Care of a Persian Cat
Grooming and Refreshing:
Persian cats are such kinds of breeds that need day-to-day polishing because they are very sensitive cats among all breeds. If they are not groomed daily then they will face serious issues like getting sick due to dust and having allergies. So it must be the necessary task for the owner or caretaker to clean this cat daily and make sure that the cat is grooming properly. Persian cats can be groomed in a way that the owner should comb the cat daily, make it clean, wash the cat by using different treatments, and dry the cat with a clean tissue or towel.
Cats have habits to go anywhere whenever they want. We know that Persian cats are very silent kind of cats and do not like to move so much. But still, it can move to such an area that is full of dust. Due to the sensitivity of this cat, our priority should be the maintenance of the cat. So make sure your cat is getting a bath daily. Use pet shampoo with special ingredients that can remove bacteria and other allergy particles from the cat during bathing.
Eye and Nose Care:
Sometimes cats while playing face dust. Other breeds are not such sensitive but the Persian cat breed is much more sensitive as compared to others. So, must clean the eyes and nose daily so that we can prevent them from problems that they can face due to this reason. The problem they can face is that they can lose their vision of the eye and also irritation can occur if their eyes and nose are not cleaned properly.
Exercise and Training:
Persian cats are slow and calm pets. They are not eager or curious about everything they see. these cats require less exercise but keep them trained and introduce training exercises to keep them stimulated. Feather wands and teaser toys are their favorite playing tools. Scratching is also a good activity that cats love. this activity keeps them stimulated and motivated. So, put scratch trees and Mats on all and floor to keep them busy and healthy.
Health Issues That a Persian Cat Faces
Some of the issues that can be faced by these cats are:
Brachycephalic syndrome: What is brachycephalic? The meaning of the word brachycephalic is short head. As these cats have short and flat heads, these cats can have a view of Brachycephalic Syndrome issues. Yes, they do have. It is very common among these cats that they have to face respiratory problems just because of the structure of their head or skull. Due to the flat structure, it causes them to inhale and exhale less air which becomes the reason for their respiratory problem. One more problem they can face due to the structure of their heads is that they can overheat quickly because they cannot inhale properly due to their small nose.

Eye Problem: there is a risk of eye problems when the eyelid folds back and starts touching the eyes. it can cause irritation that makes the cat continuously rub its eyes. The continued rubbing of the eye could become the reason for eye damage. Also, this rubbing can damage the skin around the eye, decreasing the beauty of the face of the Persian cat. So grooming and cleaning of the eyes should be done seriously.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): it is prevalent among Persian cats that cysts are formed in their kidney due to some injury or infection. The infection causes the blockage of the cells or vessels due to which this is filled with a fluid. These fluid-filled cysts can become a cause of kidney disease that can become a reason for the cat’s death.
Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic?
The biggest reason behind the increase in the production of allergies is the fur of an animal. The long hair on the skin becomes the reason for more allergies. As Persian cats have long hairs on their body it is obvious that they produce and spread more allergy-containing protein. So it is clear from the discussion that Persians are not hypoallergenic cats but produce more allergies as compared to the other breeds of the cat.
Do Persian Cats Shed?
The simple answer to the question is “yes”. What is shedding? Shedding means that cats lose their hair on the body. And Persian cats are at the top of this list. Because they have more hair on their body in comparison with the other felines. Due to the excessive hair, their loss of hair is also excessive. This is a natural process because they need to adjust their body according to the season. They need to warm and cool their bodies according to the season so Persian cats do shed. They shed more so those people who have these cats in their homes will find the hairs around their homes mostly.